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Private market perspectives

Hear from private market experts across our early-stage venture, climate growth, late-stage biomedical, late-stage growth, private credit, and ESG  teams.

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Governance best practices in public markets

For private companies approaching the public markets, we highlight the corporate governance best practices that can help pave strong relationships with public market investors.

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7 min
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Impact measurement and management practices

What constitutes an impact investment? How is impact measured? And, what are the benefits of impact investing? Our Impact Management and Measurement Practice Leader Oyin Oduya discusses our approach. 

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Human capital management for private companies

We discuss why effective people management is critical for private companies and outline four strategic focus areas that can help companies navigate evolving employee needs, regulatory changes, and investor expectations.

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Cybersecurity for private companies

We highlight today's rising cybersecurity risks, explore how they impact private companies, discuss key regulatory considerations, and share best practices for companies facing these threats.

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2023 Sustainability Report

We appreciate the opportunity to share our approach to advancing sustainable practices across our investment, client, and infrastructure platforms. 

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Will proposed corporate governance reforms help to narrow the “Korea discount”?

Could South Korea's Corporate Value-up Program help to narrow the so-called “Korea discount” and build on the momentum gathering pace elsewhere across Asia to improve corporate governance and shareholder returns?

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Five key ESG topics for private companies in 2024

See where our ESG for Private Investments team is focusing to minimize investment risk and maximize company value in 2024 and beyond.

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Why climate change matters in private markets

We explore why climate change matters in private markets, highlight the current regulatory landscape, and profile key questions to expect from public market investors.
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WellSaid: Partnering with portfolio companies

Co-head of private investing Michael Carmen explores how we partner with portfolio companies to help them along the "last mile from the private market to the public market" including on key ESG issues for private companies to consider.

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Financial materiality: The cornerstone of the ISSB’s global baseline for sustainability disclosure

The new standards may help provide market participants with data necessary to price sustainability-related risks and opportunities, which can feed directly into the assessment of enterprise value.

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A guide to ESG materiality assessments
We continue our "ESG insights for private companies" series by exploring ESG materiality assessments, including why they are important and how to conduct one for your private company.
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The value in valuing employees

Companies able to adapt and respond to challenges in the labor market will find themselves well positioned for the future, say Equity Portfolio Managers Yolanda Courtines and Mark Mandel.

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European credit: seeking to make the most of the new market regime

Fixed Income Portfolio Manager Derek Hynes and Investment Specialist Jillian Rooney assess why the new market regime is creating potentially compelling opportunities in the European credit market.

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The role of ESG in fintech

Global Industry Analyst Matt Ross and Portfolio Manager Matt Lipton explore the role of ESG in fintech in this clip from their WellSaid podcast episode.

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2023 ESG & Sustainability Outlook
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Focusing on value amid rising global challenges and opportunities

Our Sustainable Investing (SI) Research Team offers a high-level view of 2023 research and engagement priorities.

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Equity investing with a thematic lens: Three game changers for 2023

Head of Investment Research Mary Pryshlak and Equity Portfolio Manager Tim Manning highlight their strongest convictions across global equity markets heading into 2023.

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Sustainable fixed income: Key terms allocators should know
ESG integration versus sustainable investing: What’s the difference? We explain a few key distinctions that are important for allocators to understand.
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Governance best practices in public markets
For private companies approaching the public markets, we highlight the corporate governance best practices that can help pave strong relationships with public market investors.
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Mid-2022 ESG & Sustainability Outlook
Our Mid-2022 Sustainability Outlook provides an update on our sustainability efforts, expansion of research into the economic impacts of climate change, ESG integration and stewardship, and impact platform.
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Sustainable fixed income investing entering the mainstream
This short piece explores the continued rise of sustainable fixed income investing and links to a more in-depth white paper on the topic.
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Sustainable fixed income investing comes of age
ESG integration and sustainable investing have gained considerable traction in global fixed income markets. Investment Directors Anand Dharan and Meredith Joly and Fixed Income Trader Keenan Choy discuss this ongoing trend and some of its key implications for asset allocators.
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Deepening our commitment to sustainability: Highlights from 2021
Head of Sustainable Investment Wendy Cromwell shares 2021 sustainability highlights across our investment, client, and infrastructure platforms.
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The full climate-investing opportunity
From devastating floods in Australia — tragically, in many of the same areas hit by fires in recent years — to wildfires in Europe and the US, widespread disasters bring into stark reality the consequences today of a changing climate. The human toll of these events has become an unfortunate yet familiar part of the news cycle, but the second-order impacts of climate change on financial markets are sometimes less well understood. Many traditional approaches to climate investing have rightly focused on these risks, but we believe both their approach and their scope are often incomplete and lacking nuance, thereby creating inefficiencies in the climate-investing landscape.
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Stewardship and engagement: 2021 highlights and 2022 goals
Wellington’s long-standing commitment to deep fundamental research and meaningful engagement with investee companies continues to drive positive engagement outcomes that we believe support and enhance long-term investment value for our clients. We are proud of progress we made in 2021 advancing our stewardship priorities, and we have seen many positive outcomes spanning a range of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues. We look forward to continued momentum on ESG and to expanding our influence via active ownership in 2022.
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Five key ESG topics for private companies
Members of our private market ESG team highlight the topics they expect will be top of mind in the coming year, from diversity to data privacy to supply-chain issues.
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2021 Responsible Investor USA conference: Climate investor spotlight
In this event replay from the 2021 Responsible Investor USA conference, Portfolio Manager Alan Hsu discusses how you can dynamically build a portfolio of stocks for a pragmatic net zero CO2 strategy.
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Decarbonization and the energy transition: The next supercycle
The low-carbon transition could be the biggest capital cycle of our lifetime, fueled by massive spending and extensive infrastructure development. We break down the investment implications.
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2022 Alternative Investment Outlook
Our 2022 Alternative Investment Outlook looks at 5 areas of focus for the coming year and explores private equity markets and ESG opportunities.
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Ten essential climate questions for private companies
We explore how climate change impacts private companies and share the top questions for companies to be prepared to address as this issue grows.
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Three transition year themes — inflation, capital, ESG
Insurance Multi-Asset Strategist Tim Antonelli believes 2022 could be a year of transition for the global insurance industry, with the three big themes of inflation, capital, and ESG likely to play prominent roles in many insurers’ strategic planning and decisions.
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2022 ESG & Sustainability Outlook
Our 2022 ESG & Sustainability Outlook previews our climate research and engagement approach for the coming year and offers investment strategy considerations.
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2022 Equity Outlook
Our 2022 Equity Outlook explores opportunities in equity income and emerging markets, along with trends in health care and technology for the coming year
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Countering climate risks through collaboration
Global Industry Analyst Alan Hsu and Dr. Philip Duffy of Woodwell Climate Research Center discuss the importance of close cooperation between investors and climate scientists when addressing climate action.
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The critical role of ESG for private companies

Explore our full ESG insights for private companies series with our latest research on governance, DEI, climate, and much more.

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