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Setting ROAs for 2025: A guide for US corporate and public plans
How are pension plans adjusting their ROA assumptions? And how do those assumptions line up with our long-term capital market assumptions? Find out in this annual update.
Extra credit for corporate plans: Advanced topics in LDI implementation
To help corporate DB plans refine their liability-hedging strategies, members of our LDI Team take a deep dive on 3 key liability risks and offer ideas to help improve the design of hedging portfolios.
The evolution of derisking: Assessing new and time-tested liability-hedging ideas
As defined benefit plans contemplate the best path to their eventual “end state,” members of our LDI team update their liability-hedging research with a blend of traditional benchmark ideas and new opportunities to capitalize on changing market conditions and a broader investment universe.
Rebalancing a multi-asset portfolio: A guide to the choices and trade-offs
Many investors wrestle with portfolio rebalancing decisions, particularly in volatile environments. In this paper, members of our Investment Strategy Team argue for a well-structured rebalancing policy and share research on different approaches and common implementation considerations.
Setting ROAs for 2024: A guide for US corporate and public plans
How are pension plans adjusting their ROA assumptions? And how do those assumptions line up with our long-term capital market assumptions? Find out in this annual update.
Demystifying decumulation: A practical guide
Investors seeking a sound decumulation strategy must consider a host of variables, including risks that weren't on the radar when they were accumulating assets.
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