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Wellington Management Japan Pte Ltd


About this office

Wellington Management established its first relationships with Japanese clients in the mid-1980s. However, the firm waited for important changes in regulations regarding institutional asset management before opening an office in Tokyo.

Our Tokyo office opened in 1997. Today, we have 80 staff members representing a broad range of functions, including client relationship management, portfolio management, research, product management, business development, compliance, client administration, and others.

We manage assets for nearly 90 Japanese institutions — including pension plan sponsors, mutual fund sponsors, insurance providers, and many other types of institutional investors.

If you are interested in a position in Tokyo, please see the Careers section, which lists open positions by location, and provide information on your background and area of interest. 

Head of office

toshinori hisamune

Toshinori Hisamune

Representative in Japan


Wellington Management Japan Pte Ltd
Palace Building 7F
1-1-1 Marunouchi
Tokyo 100-0005



In Japan, Wellington Management Japan Pte Ltd (WM Japan) (Registration Number 199504987R) has been registered as a Financial Instruments Firm with registered number: Director General of Kanto Local Finance Bureau (Kin-Sho) Number 428. WM Japan is a member of the Japan Investment Advisers Association (JIAA) and the Investment Trusts Association, Japan (ITA).

All figures as of 30 September 2017