Finland, Intermediary


The views expressed are those of the teams comprising Wellington’s Impact Platform including our impact equity and fixed income investment teams and IMM Practice. For these teams and strategies, impact measurement and management and engagement is a core component of the investment process. These practices do not necessarily extend to other strategies that Wellington Management offers. Views are those of the authors at the time of writing, and other teams may hold different views and make different investment decisions. The value of your investment may become worth more or less than at the time of original investment. While any third-party data used is considered reliable, its accuracy is not guaranteed. For professional, institutional, or accredited investors only.

Impact Investing Platform

Impact Investing Platform

Quarterly investment spotlights

Serving as an addendum to our Impact Reports, these quarterly spotlights showcase the remaining eight of our eleven impact themes and sample investment spotlights, including impact theory of change and key performance indicators (KPIs), qualitative assessment, engagement updates, and the measurable outcomes we achieved in our equity and fixed income impact portfolios.

The purpose of this report is to highlight the impact case for one sample investment spotlight in each impact theme that spans our three broad categories of Life essentials, Human empowerment, and Environment. While all companies in our portfolio meet the financial criteria that we believe enable us to deliver competitive investment returns for our clients, these sample investment spotlights are solely intended to illustrate metrics regarding our impact objectives and outcomes.


Impact reports

See impact highlights from each of our strategies, along with measurable impact results from the companies and issuers in which we invest.

Impact investing at wellington

All investing involves risk. If an investor is in any doubt as to the suitability of an investment, they should consult an independent financial adviser. Past results are not necessarily indicative of future results and an investment can lose value.

Please refer to the investment risks page for information about each of the following risks:

  • Capital
  • Derivatives
  • Asset/mortgage-backed securities
  • Concentration
  • Credit
  • Currency
  • Fixed income securities markets
  • Foreign and emerging markets
  • Interest rate
  • Leverage
  • Real estate securities
  • Smaller-capitalization stocks
  • Sustainability

Important disclosures

Data provided is as of 30 September 2024 | Investment examples in the Q3 2024 spotlights are based on holdings of the representative account as of the previous quarter ending 30 June 2024. Company examples are for illustrative purposes only, are not representative of all investments made by the portfolio and should not be interpreted as a recommendation or advice. Portfolio spotlight examples are based on nonperformance criteria.