Fund literatures 基金文件

Wellington Management Funds (Luxembourg) III SICAV Range

Document Name 文件名稱
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Prospectus English
中文 PDF
Key Facts Statement - Wellington Credit Income Fund 
產品資料概要 - 威靈頓債券入息基金
中文 PDF
Key Facts Statement - Wellington Global Property Income Fund EnglishPDF
產品資料概要 - 威靈頓環球房地產入息基金中文 PDF
Key Facts Statement - Wellington Multi Asset High Income Fund EnglishPDF
產品資料概要 - 威靈頓多重資產高入息基金中文 PDF
Key Facts Statement - Wellington US Quality Growth FundEnglishPDF
產品資料概要 - 威靈頓美國優質增長股票基金中文 PDF
Key Facts Statement - Wellington Credit Total Return FundEnglishPDF
產品資料概要 - 威靈頓債券總收益基金中文 PDF



Investor notices  投資者通告

Document name 文件名稱 
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Shareholder Extraordinary General Meeting Notice – June 2022
股東特別大會通告 – 2022年6月 

English        中文

Notice to the Shareholders of Wellington Management Funds (Luxembourg) III SICAV - 18 Oct 2022
威靈頓投資管理(盧森堡)SICAV基金III系列 (「本公司」)股東的通告 - 2022年10月18日

English        中文

Notice to the Shareholders of Wellington Management Funds (Luxembourg) III SICAV - 29 Dec 2022
威靈頓投資管理(盧森堡)SICAV基金III系列 (「本公司」)股東的通告 - 2022年12月29日

English        中文

Notice to the Shareholders of Wellington Management Funds (Luxembourg) III SICAV - 31 Jan 2023
威靈頓投資管理(盧森堡)SICAV基金III系列 (「本公司」)股東的通告 - 2023年1月31日

Bilingual (中文及英文版)

Notice to the Shareholders of Wellington Management Funds (Luxembourg) III SICAV - 26 May 2023
威靈頓投資管理(盧森堡)SICAV基金III系列 (「本公司」)股東的通告 - 2023年5月26日

English        中文     

Notice to the Shareholders of Wellington Management Funds (Luxembourg) III SICAV - 16 October 2023
威靈頓投資管理(盧森堡)SICAV基金III系列 (「本公司」)股東的通告 - 2023年10月16日

English        中文     

Notice to the Shareholders of Wellington Management Funds (Luxembourg) III SICAV - January 2024
威靈頓投資管理(盧森堡)SICAV基金III系列 (「本公司」)股東的通告 - 2024年1月

Bilingual (中文及英文版)

Notice to the Shareholders of Wellington Management Funds (Luxembourg) III SICAV - 7 March 2024
威靈頓投資管理(盧森堡)SICAV基金III系列 (「本公司」)股東的通告 - 2024年3月7日

English        中文     

Notice to the Shareholders of Wellington Management Funds (Luxembourg) III SICAV - 9 April 2024
威靈頓投資管理(盧森堡)SICAV基金III系列 (「本公司」)股東的通告 - 2024年4月9日

English        中文     

Notice to the Shareholders of Wellington Management Funds (Luxembourg) III SICAV (Wellington Global Equity Income Fund) - 1 October 2024

威靈頓投資管理(盧森堡)SICAV基金III系列 (威靈頓環球股票入息基金)股東的通告 - 2024年10月1日

Bilingual (中文及英文版)

Notice to the Shareholders of Wellington Management Funds (Luxembourg) III SICAV (Wellington Asia Quality Income Fund) - 1 October 2024

威靈頓投資管理(盧森堡)SICAV基金III系列 (威靈頓亞洲優質股票入息基金)股東的通告 - 2024年10月1日

Bilingual (中文及英文版)

Policies, Regulations and Calendar  政策及監管及日誌​

Document name 文件名稱 
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Remuneration policy 
薪酬政策 (僅提供英文版本)


Sustainability Risk Investment Policy
可持續性風險之投資政策 (僅提供英文版本)​


Investment Manager and Sub-Investment Managers

Bilingual (中文及英文版)

Framework For Evaluating Governance Practices​
企業管治常規評估框架 (僅提供英文版本)


Exclusion Policy​
投資排除政策 (僅提供英文版本)


Enhanced exclusion list for Wellington Credit Income Fund​
進一步排除投資相關資訊:威靈頓債券入息基金 (僅提供英文版本)


Wellington Management Funds (Luxembourg) III SICAV - Supplement for investors in the funds authorised in Hong Kong


Dealing Terms Calendar - WMF Global Luxembourg III Corporate SICAV

Bilingual (中文及英文版)         

Dividend Calendar - Wellington Management Funds (Luxembourg) III SICAV

Bilingual (中文及英文版)        

Financial reports  財務報告

Document name 文件名稱 
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Annual report


Semi-annual report



This material and its contents may not be reproduced or distributed, in whole or in part, without the express written consent of Wellington Management. This document is intended for information purposes only. It is not an offer or a solicitation by anyone, to subscribe for shares in Wellington Management Funds (Luxembourg) III SICAV (the Fund). Nothing in this document should be interpreted as advice, nor is it a recommendation to buy or sell shares. Investment in the Fund may not be suitable for all investors. Any views expressed are those of the author at the time of writing and are subject to change without notice. Investors should carefully read the Key Facts Statement (KFS), Prospectus, and Hong Kong Covering Document for the Fund and the sub-fund(s) for details, including risk factors, before making an investment decision. Other relevant documents are the annual report (and semi-annual report).

© 2024 Morningstar, Inc. All Rights Reserved. The information contained herein: (1) is proprietary to Morningstar; (2) may not be copied or distributed; and (3) is not warranted to be accurate, complete or timely. Neither Morningstar nor its content providers are responsible for any damages or losses arising from any use of this information. The Overall Morningstar Rating for a fund is derived from a weighted average of the three, five, and ten year (if applicable) ratings, based on risk-adjusted return. Past performance is no guarantee of future results.

Issued by Wellington Management Hong Kong Limited. Investment involves risk. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. This document has not been reviewed by the Securities and Futures Commission of Hong Kong.



© 2024 Morningstar, Inc。版權所有。本刊所載資訊:(1) 為晨星(Morningstar)專有;(2) 不得複製或分發;及(3) 概不保證屬準確、完整或及時。晨星及其內容提供者概不就使用相關資訊所引致的任何損害或損失負責。基金的Morningstar綜合星號評級(Overall Morningstar Rating)乃基於經風險調整回報,按三年、五年及十年(倘適用)評級的加權平均得出。過去業績並非將來表現的保證。
