Our approach to sustainable investing


Annual sustainability report

Integrated research, innovative strategies, influential engagement, and impactful leadership. These are the core principles of sustainability at Wellington.

Integrated research aiming to help mitigate risks and enhance returns

For many teams, ESG research is an input or investment lens to help assess the value of investments. The “weight” or prominence of this input differs based in large part on the ESG topic, the security type, and the team’s investment discipline and philosophy and process.

Influential engagement to test and promote resilient business practices

  • Career industry analysts and experienced portfolio managers with access to company boards and management teams
  • 17,500 company meetings with 4,500 public-market issuers in 97 countries
  • Developed original engagement and disclosure guidelines such as our Physical Risks of Climate Change (P-ROCC), a framework to help companies build climate resiliency and enhance disclosures

Sustainable investing in practice

Innovative strategies aimed at better client outcomes

Industry leadership to foster a more sustainable world

Partnerships to learn and share knowledge

To complement our research on sustainable investing, we partner with leading organizations to educate ourselves and provide leadership on asset-management perspectives.

Principles for Responsible Investment logo

A voluntary framework by which investors can incorporate ESG issues into their decision-making and ownership practices.


Addresses the world's biggest sustainability challenges by inspiring its network to integrate ESG practices.

Task force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures logo

Develops disclosures for use by companies in providing information to relevant stakeholders.

Sustainable Development Goals logo

The 17 goals and 169 underlying targets aim to increase global economic growth, decrease inequality, and promote peace.


Manages a global carbon disclosure system that provides company, city, and regional leaders with data for making critical environment-related decisions.

Global Impact Investing Network Logo

Nonprofit industry leader setting standards for impact investing across asset classes.