Important disclosures
Hypothetical liability-hedging portfolios
Simple duration blend: blend of 75% Bloomberg US Long Corporate/20% Bloomberg US Long Treasury/5% Bloomberg US Intermediate Treasury based on percent of liability attributable to the traditional liability; and ICE BofA US 3-Month T-Bill based on percent of liability attributable to cash-balance liability.
Dedicated cash-balance mix: blend of 75% Bloomberg US Long Corporate/20% Bloomberg US Long Treasury/5% Bloomberg US Intermediate Treasury based on percent of liability attributable to the traditional liability; and blend shown below in “Hypothetical cash-balance historical simulation assumptions” based on percent of liability attributable to cash-balance liability.
Dedicated cash-balance blend/Government focused liability-hedging allocation: blend of 25% Bloomberg US Long Corporate/60% Bloomberg US Long Treasury/15% Bloomberg US Intermediate Treasury based on percent of liability attributable to the traditional liability; and blend shown below in “Hypothetical cash-balance historical simulation assumptions” based on percent of liability attributable to cash-balance liability.
Dedicated CB/duration extended LHA: blend of 25% Bloomberg US Long Corporate/75% FTSE 25+ STRIPS based on percent of liability attributable to the traditional liability; and blend shown below in “Hypothetical cash-balance historical simulation assumptions” based on percent of liability attributable to cash-balance liability.
Traditional liability-hedging allocation: 75% Bloomberg US Long Corporate/20% Bloomberg US Long Treasury/5% Bloomberg US Intermediate Treasury.
Hypothetical cash-balance historical simulation assumptions
The performance shown is hypothetical and is not representative of an actual account. Hypothetical performance is developed with the benefit of hindsight (i.e., actual knowledge of market conditions, results of similar strategies) and thus has many inherent limitations.
Time period: 30 September 1995 – 31 December 2020
25% Bloomberg Barclays US 1 – 3 Year Government Index/25% Bloomberg Barclays US MBS Index/40% Bloomberg Barclays US Intermediate Credit Index/10% Bloomberg Barclays US 1 – 5 Year High Yield Rated B and BB Index
Other periods selected could have different results including losses, higher volatility, and/or drawdowns. PAST PERFORMANCE AND HYPOTHETICAL RESULTS ARE NO GUARANTEE OF FUTURE RESULTS AND AN INVESTMENT CAN LOSE VALUE. The management of an actual client account would produce different results than the hypothetical results presented. Examples of factors not taken into consideration for the hypothetical volatility, drawdowns, and contribution to risk analysis include different cash flows, expenses, performance calculation methods, and the method used to select accounts, size, and strategy. Since trades have not actually been executed, results may have under- or overcompensated for the impact, if any, of certain market factors, such as lack of liquidity, and may not reflect the impact that certain economic or market factors may have had on the decision-making process if client funds were actually managed.